A Friend of Mine wrote:
((Moderated to fit public viewing))
life is always about searching.
We keep searching all the time
For friends, love, peace, success
And for so much more.
But at times do wait and pause for a while
and search your soul
It would not take you anywhere
But will help you reach yourself.
Take care my dear,
My Reply:
Oh ***,
Wht a friend you are 2 Me..
I am glad to have you in the flowing river of my life.
One morning,
I awake to my very own self,
and everything seems normal.
And I know that I have found the griefing island.
So it's not isolated anymore,
and the golden sunshine pronounce on every
beat of the island,
the ships passing by with their whole set of crews
make a stop,
the navigator is finally handed.......
journey to discover the new land has begin.
May the island colored with various shades,
beautiful sounds,
and exciting occassions............
To put our feeling into words
-and to later read our own words-
is a healing experience.
Somebody Already Broke My Heart bySade
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